A day just ended, a year began. And the year ushers in an era. Read the post shared with friends at midnight on 18-19th November, and celebrate an impending birth.

A day just ended, a year began. And the year ushers in an era. Read the post shared with friends at midnight on 18-19th November, and celebrate an impending birth.
Healing through creative resources?
Hell, yes. One of the many slogans of SpiritSpiral Healing.
That's been bothering me for quite a while, especially from the perspective of WordWise - one of the very early offerings from our healing toolkit.
Our toolkit? Who else is there? There's me and there are all these resources. Oh and there's you. Ok - easy there. I'll tell you more.
Creative resources I imagine are resources that create. Like you know a paintbox and brushes. Noooo - they don't create a thing. They are your tools, you do the creating using them. They are at your service. So who is the creative resource? Me with all my talents? Perhaps. That still sounds a little Word-Unwise, don't you think?
Where do you think I'm headed with this? Of course I'm telling you that I'm canceling that slogan and replacing it with another one. Healing Creatively. Does one heal destructively? Yes, perhaps one does.
Enter creative destruction that I've said so much about in earlier posts.
You can't create something unless you destroy something - you know physics and all that.
Unless you're God - and most of you reading this illogical outpouring are ungodly.
Just kidding.
In the beginning there was nothing. Remember? Then God turned up from somewhere - no He turned up from nowhere because there was nothing. So what was destroyed then? Nothing!
Nothing also being a thing you can destroy.
You may ask me why such a post? It sounds like nonsense but that's a kind of sense too.
Us lesser beings are already resource rich - we arrive with something - and when we creatively destroy we alchemize. We change something into something else, even trash can generate energy.
As for me I don't need to trash anything. I am already inundated by trash. Trash is the most common by-product of acute and prolonged stress. When you feel gloomy, exhausted, you sink into apathy and that's when resources trash themselves, including sometimes your own talents. And an army of bikriwalas in additions to shrinks/therapists/counsellors/healers, has to be summoned.
Wait, I said healers. I am here for me. And for you. We are healing creatively. We are never not healing (that slogan remains). As nothing exists without its opposite, we are healing destructively too.
If you wonder where we are headed with this post, we are headed to the Healing Hub. In fact we are addressing you from the Healing Hub that we are already parked in. We always have, it's just that the name found itself a few hours ago. A concept finds recognition when a name finds it. And that magic happened.
We are surrounded by resources - we have inherited these resources, tangible and intangible and we are now tapping into them creatively. We are healing through heritage even as the heritage cries to be restored (remember healing = restoring to health?)
Wordplay much? Oh yes. In the beginning was The Word. And all the rest till this moment of writing has been play - The Divine Leela.
PS - there's nothing a good cup of coffee (or even an entire pot) can't do. At least for this priestess-healer-motivator. Don't believe the coffee-bashing naysayers. They're speaking for them, not for me. You can help fuel/refuel the Healing Hub with a cup of coffee - and a lot else if you are able to. How you can help will be announced soon. Be part of this, be part of us!
Love from Project HearthFire - The Healing Hub. Powered by SpiritSpiral Healing and - surprise - Chakratirtha, Journeys Into Place, Mind, Spirit.
Footnote: All images are of coffee brewing in my little steel filter which is as old as this home I live in. Different phases and moods as the bubbles catch the light and the water slowly finds its way through the bed of "sand" to emerge in an underground pool.
As I struggle to break out of a looping headache that comes back to grip a part of my head every time I try to go back to sleep, these words keep replaying in my mind. The first few words that emerge as I realized I have missed something that possibly wasn't there. I have missed the entire Kali Puja ritual that visits me as a soundscape each year from the neighborhbood pandals.
The ritual itself is an unpredictable mix of the ludicrous and the profound. The ugliest of Bollywood hits competing with an unlikely recording of dhaak or even a rare real one. The intermittent conch and bell. And the loud, brash, half drunk voices exploding at one another disruptively. I marvel at the way the dhaakis are being dispensed with even as the lights get more garish. These lights hurt my damaged eyes and I shield them with my camera screen that magically filters out the glare and presents to me the version I want to see. Indeed it's good to lose in translation sometimes.
When the worship commences there are these profound silences. If there's a priest uttering mantras, those are not reaching my ears.
There are also my closed glass panes this time. No it's not the sulphur fumes from crackers that are overwhelming. There have been hardly any fireworks this year - for that matter in most recent years with a few exceptions when an authority backpedaled on Green Bench norms and the demons unleashed themselves.
It's the traveling Northern Indian fog belt that's come visiting Kolkata right in time.
The festival series is late this year in the course of this little back and forth dance that the sun and moon enact to synchronize with each other, so an autumn festival actually remains in the autumn! For those not familiar, the festival schedule rolls back by eleven/twelve days each year till it hits the border of a solar month when it pushes itself forward again by three weeks.
And now, the north winds have sadly borne, instead of clear cold air, this filthy blanket of fog that's reached Kolkata just in time to spike our AQI!
Returning to silence methinks the closed room walled me off from the sound of that silence. I fell asleep right when I had meant for the silence to jerk me awake. Whither the insistent sounds of distant dhaak building to a frenzy - not so distant considering it's in the next street - that would make my heart leap in anticipation of that sudden silence at the end of it? I missed it. Because it simply wasn't there. And I'll now need to wait till 31st October 2024. Don't wait for anything, I remind myself. Allow it to find you if it will.
Kali never lets me down. And she did not this year either. I believe these words that came to me which I kept repeating in my half awake state in a bid to not forget them, are the gift she's given. I walk - rather stumble my way - through a strange path on this most unusual (and sometimes seemingly pointless) journey that my life has been.
I'm holding on to this idea of silence. I will not attempt to translate it. Like my heritage home project that I recommit to every waking moment, I will put it out there. You can read and interpret and maybe come back for a conversation?
I hope, I dream on.
I am off now on a jaunt to go catch up with the goddess - time for some visual communication - and have a few pow-wows with her.
Happy Kali Puja! May Kali's Silence find you in whichever manner is meaningful for you.
Footnote: Follow the links to enjoy the post fully. Post your thoughts on the image above.
Cheers readers! I am back to continue what I started here - yes I had asked you to stop and run your 'script by me. Now what if there is no script yet? You are struggling to put one together. You are wading in an ocean of ideas, with links and references strewn around for good measure. Or maybe none of these but you have some emotions wanting to pour themselves out and they are stuck in your throat?
Here's where I come in again.
There are many stages of evolution that an article - or a story or a book - goes through before you have a script that an editor can actually read. And you just might like somebody with you to run your ideas by. Or somebody who can help put some of them into words. Yes that's one more of my roles. I am your writing buddy. The finest of us writers, the ones whose ink invariably flows smoothly, occasionally crave for a buddy, a companion to sit and brainstorm with. Most of us need one a lot of the time. Here I come, again. Trust me this will be great for both of us. I love to write. Even more, I love that you write and I love to read what you write.
There are several stages of birthing and you will be glad to have an empathetic midwife who can help you come out with your best offering.
All I can say is Get In Touch!
I can even do a piece of writing for you, if you think you have a writers block you are convinced won't go away in a hurry and you need to put that post or article out there soon. Or if you think you have zero writing skills (those can be built up and fine-honed but I will save that for the next post) and have something you really need to share with the world. I am there.
Now folks have asked me to put my charges out there. What I charge depends on the width and depth of what you need and your own existing skill set. The same goes for the editing work I take up - you see that's the penultimate stage of the birthing of the document? And the work I need to do depends so much on the work you may have already done or the stage at which you are stuck for guidance.
I personally edit the life into my own writing, being the perfectionist that I am. What's vital is that you convey your thought process to me and I will do the same for you. Those pesky grammar and syntax glitches, the clingy verbiage that's waiting to pull you in circles - they'll all be ironed out while retaining the framework and flavor as authentically yours.
Something is cooking and it's called Brand Chakra.
This is the one stop shop for a number of services I offer.
Many of you are familiar with the work I do.
My latest bio reads:
Owner, Brand Chakra, SpiritSpiral Healing"Ashtami Sandhi Puja posts need to be created even as one is still in that comfort blanket of delirious joy at having Chanda-Munda bumped off with a satisfying thwack or two. This may have been the defining moment, the game changer in the legendary battle according to Puranas. It's the first high point in a series of highs for us worshipers (or even just fans) of Ma Durga, till we hurtle towards the conclusion of the celebrations and then the looong hangover.
I've videofilmed sandhi puja many times before but I've somehow always missed grabbing that magical moment. This time Brigid brought me luck and like a good girl she captured the moments before and after as well.
I will say very little, just leave you to enjoy the video and share your feedback. In honor of that moment, one pushpanjali I like to offer is this one. There's something comforting about the sound of the word Chamunda and the special protection she offers.
The post won't come through the same way, written as it is after the battle is won and the goddess has symbolically departed. I wish I could have poured it out two days ago right after I experienced the joy But the video gives you the "there and now" so enjoy it.
Say it with me - "Joy Maaaa!"
You can follow the links or do your own searches to know more about the legends around the climax of Durga's battle with Mahishasura and the different stages in the action.
Here is a video on sandhi puja for those who understand Bengali and want to go deep.
Once upon a time in the east of this incredible country, a family from the south painted a unique Durga Puja story of their own. Below is part 1 of the series.
When this writer was a wee girl, Durga Puja for the family started on Saptami evening. We would dress up after tea and make our rounds of the pandals in the locality, starting at our beloved Northern Park, Bhowanipore, which, like the Pole Star was a constant. And remains thus. The silly childish me decided to name the pandals we covered in our little reverse pradakshina, Southern and Eastern Park respectively. We never found one to the west and the little girl was always a trifle disappointed. Till her father told her that her home was to the west and there were major festivities on in our beloved home, which was indeed to the west.
Home was where the puja was for my mom who was incredibly rooted in the Tamil culture she had grown up with. Three things stood out for us as a family about our beloved paara (neighborhood) puja though - the dhaak and arati, the grandeur of Durga herself and the shehnai which was on the menu for the three main evenings. For my dad, there was a little adda with his cronies, some gentlemen on the organizing committee who had taken kindly to him. One of them, a particular pal of Dad's, was Mr Parbati Bhushan Bose, organizing secretary, and a noted communist at that! We paid a "chanda" of five rupees as our contribution towards the celebration expenses - a hefty sum in 1950 - and believe it or not, the five rupees continued all the way till 1981. Occasionally a bunch of youngsters would knock on our door in the weeks before the festival and Dad would tell them he'd visit the pandal and pay. For some reason I enjoyed the duty of handing the money over to Mr Bose, and collecting the receipt with my father's name filled in. Together with the receipt was a goody, the souvenir. A thick book with a black and white picture of the previous year's goddess on the glossy cover, it mostly contained pages and pages of trivia in English about the worthies on the committee, bits of poetry and prose in Bangla which my brother would read as he was the expert in Bengali, an occasional short boring prose piece in English and the audited accounts that I found great delight in running through as I grew older. Somewhere in one of those ancient trunks here, I'm sure to find one such book. One item in those accounts stands out - it read "Dhaki, shehnai and mike" - Rs 1001. And very likely that figure continued for decades with the dhaki likely being the soft target who was paid less and less each year as inflation set in (he constantly complained, did our old man dhaki - named Jhoduram Sardar as we came to know much later).
I grew older, my brothers left home and life started catching up. The Naxalite movement was on and evening celebrations tended to wind up early. And my mother started opening up with stories about her time in the fifties, taking the tram and riding to North Calcutta to see the "thakurs" there - yes it was called "thakur dekha" and not pandal hopping. Because ALL the pandals (marquee for the festivities) were the same boring tarpaulin over bamboo structures, waiting to leave the unwary with twisted ankles. They all had simple aesthetic cloth decor inside bearing the weight of an occasional lone chandelier or some pretty shaded lights. The altar where the magnificent deities stood were lighted up starkly with ordinary tubelights. And it was all so gorgeous and overwhelming because these grand clay deities exuded so much power and reassurance. There were ornamental lights placed at a few strategic locations outside and children would stare at them, fascinated, calling them the "running lights" - read about their origins here. I recall two of them in particular perched on cornices of the old buildings flanking the park, that would repeat annually like old friends we looked forward to meeting.
More stories emerged from the lips of Mamma Mia. They had taken my oldest brother aged seven or eight to Babughat to watch the immersion(yes the images are lowered into the river and the clay dissolves). And then I started to feel angry and quite offended that I'd been denied all these treats. Parents were getting older, they no longer had the enthu to haul me along to partake of the fun. Year after year I'd look at the front page picture of Durga being immersed, that graced the newspaper the following morning. Immersions took place strictly on Dashami. And I silently gritted my teeth and waited.
School days slipped into college days. The Naxalites went away - rather they were taken out - or they transformed into non-Naxalites. We started staying out later in the evenings. Slowly imperceptibly puja committees started small innovations. The first such in 1972 that came to our notice was a Durga made of jhinuk (mother-of-pearl) and the hoopla around it. My brother #2 - the aforementioned Bengali reader having come back home for a while we made a foray to see it, thanks to his clamoring and were not amused by the queue and the scramble. It was beautiful for sure. But something was missing. For days my neighbor aunty would agonize about what they'd do with it as they certainly couldn't immerse it. Which makes me fast forward to 2023 and wonder what they do with they images that are made of stuff other than clay. And all those trappings that go into making the magnificent artwork that has turned the festival into an extravaganza?
College got over, my parents left home(!) and I was left behind. The year was 1981 and I was busy "finding myself" as young people did back then. They say good things come to those who wait. And I had my comeuppance as I drifted my way quite by chance into my first "bhashan" as the visarjan (immersion) was rather irreverently called then. Of which more another day.
I am emotional today. Also sad because something doesn't feel right in my life or my heart this puja. The prospect of having to leave my city for good scares me. I hope the goddess will smile on me and turn that around. We have come a long way as a city. Puja committees would massacre trees back then in readiness for processions. Now KMC does it for them well in advance- not a good thing, then or now. Pandals would regularly catch fire and that's one thing that's been resolved now with all the regulations requiring the use of fireproof materials .. definitely a good thing.
While the canvas and bamboo with a trench dug around the whole affair had a rustic feel that still calls me in my memory, I am happy we have evolved to where we are today. And curious to know where we'll go from here. If I don't go bonkers before then!
Enjoy the festival whichever way calls it calls to you. Whether you're pious or spiritual or merely fun-loving, there's a rich and exciting layer for you to immerse yourself in. And that's way more than we had, growing up. All paths lead to joy and that's what the occasion is about. The Pujas were beautiful and meaningful and they will continue to be.
In another post I will talk about what happened to the Pujas post-1981. That's quite an exciting tale and today's young folks will be able to relate a lot better.
.. Cause You Know Sometimes Words Have Two Meanings
The theme : Mahalaya - today 14th October
Part 1 - The Mahalaya Twins
The post: my response to a one word prompt "Mahalaya" - I asked friends for words to build posts on - from my friend Kaanchan ☺
Where do I even start? Let's get the bad stuff out of the way, shall we? Disturb the comfortable? Rather disturb the uncomfortable so that some of the discomfort may be resolved?
With the Puja season come those incessant rumblings - and ramblings.
Enter social media, enter the ubiquitous greetings for every blessed occasion and non occasion.
The heated conversations have taken off on the appropriateness of greeting people with Shubho Mahalaya. And these conversations while interesting, seem so unnecessary to me, when people overall just want to be cordial.
First - let's get a few uncomfortable facts/myths out of the way. And being me, I'll combine sensitivity and sense while doing so. Harder than you think!
I'll start with a question - did this day ever mean anything other than the concluding day of Pitru Paksha when people give offerings to honor the souls of their deceased ancestors? No it did not. Not that I know of.
Not until one fine year almost a century ago, during the very early days of broadcasting in India, somebody in the newly set up radio station All India Radio made a mistake. They aired a program welcoming Goddess Durga on the wrong date. A beautifully crafted innovative musical offering that cut across several barriers to emerge in just that manner and format. That date happened to be Mahalaya Amavasya (dark moon or the null phase). And when they realized the error they decided not to correct it. And nobody, just nobody seemed to mind. Except the small bunch of naysayers who didn't approve of such an unconventional addition to the sacred soundscape, in any case, regardless of date or day.
That little glitch spun off a tradition of bonding across generations and social backgrounds over the old valve radios that many homes had acquired. One that has held generations of folks in Bengal and subsequently elsewhere in the country and the world, in thrall, as it races towards a century.
Has anybody ever tried to reschedule this? No way. Because Durga's arrival has been firmly tied up in people's minds with this now 90 year old tradition. So much so, accredited sources when queried about Durga Puja, will tell you that this is the day Durga descends from the Himalayas or that it's the day the Trimurti created her. She takes exactly a day to float down I guess, because the first day of her worship or the official start of the worship as per the sacred texts, is the very next day - the first phase of the waxing crescent moon.
Solemn/celebratory days are chosen for their purpose, through evolving traditions that are ascribed to numerous (sometimes conflicting) myths. Likewise this one. Coming as it does on the no-moon - a liminal zone - it is about a mingling of energies.
The aforementioned question - the clash of the Mahalayas - never bothered me through all the decades of my life, because I took this coexistence of ancestor worship and the goddess's welcome so much for granted. And it wasn't just me, my relatively orthodox - when it came to observing rites around the deceased - parents seemed so accepting of this merging of the solemn and the celebratory. If memory isn't playing tricks with me, my mother would oftentimes set up the kalasha inaugurating the Navaratras, on this very day, without a second thought. While almanacs give very precise timings, the lay observer tends to embrace a zone.
People point out to me. that mistakes need to be rectified. I point out to them that mistakes that don't harm anyone, can stay. Especially when they bring joy to so many and have created a firmly rooted unifying tradition. The short story is, on any day of celebration, someone somewhere will be actually grieving. I mean for real, not merely observing a ritual. Do all celebrations stop?
Pow-wow done, let's come to what is special about this 20th Century tradition? What does the word Mahalaya mean to you? The word means something pretty simple - maha=great, alaya=abode. Mahalaya Amavasya - the new moon of the great abode, indicating the cusp of this special fortnight called Devi Paksha - the fortnight of the Goddess.
A close look at the Great Abode. Don't miss another pretentious abode in the background vying for greatness
I have always found something about the word Mahalaya, that pushes frontiers - a limitless abode, the universe. And as a child lying in the dark surrounded by family, with the green "magic eye" of the old radio lighting the vicinity, I would experience a sense of the whole universe descending and surrounding me. There were parts of the oratorio where Birendra Krishna Bhadra's voice would evoke a sense of unreality, almost fear in my childish imagination. The rise and fall, the cadences. Back in the day, it wasn't a canned product. It would be put together afresh each year, if I am not mistaken even performed live. I wish my parents were alive to tell me. I wonder if there are recordings of old broadcasts - they would reveal so much. Has the packaged product reduced the charm with its predictability? There have been years when I admit, it feels weary. The tendency to spin it off out of context from start to finish at pandals or street corners too, has detracted from its charm.
Generations need to come full circle, break patterns, discover and connect afresh. I say more power to them. My family would refer to this early morning program by various names - Agamani, Mahishasuramardini and perhaps even Mahalaya. The kids around me think of it only as Mahalaya. Maybe that's what popular usage does? Or the internet guru's gyaan? The word means above all, that 90 minute feast of music played at that hour on that day. And the greeting is sans any malice. So let the twins thrive! Our ancestors who have enjoyed this with us once upon a time would want our lives to be nothing but Shubho - auspicicious. Even as we offer them food, they would love to share the music.
PS - be careful when you google. You are actually told things like All India Radio founded Mahalaya!!!!
Footnote: When you explore myths and traditions you will always find clashes and mixups. They are part of the territory. Ours is anyway a culture of paradoxes. I'd say there are more vital issues to spar over. However my advice to readers - greet people with caution. What you do on your social media timeline is your business. Don't mess around on anybody else's. And please don't hail all the people you run into with a cheery greeting. Not everyone feels the same way as you do. Enjoy the festival - love and peace to all
To be continued ... the second part will be about my personal experiences and how in my isolation, connecting with people I've never met in person over this profoundly beautiful music, has added to the mystique as well as the comfort and joy it offers. It's been an unusually lonely year for me. I seem to be fighting battles I lack the words to explain to others. Perhaps the Goddess understands and has my back. I'm sure the ancestors do.
Plenty of links are given in this post for those not familiar with the cultural terrain. I have given links from wikipedia though wiki has become a pretty unreliable source and is quite compromised by agendas as well. But it offers links to source that you can follow.
Please do read this one without fail - an article that gives you the recent history of celebrations that we have come to take for granted.
#inkflowswarmday8 (6 and 7 will be written later)
This is actually yesterday's post. Because yesterday, far from being warm, became a little too hot for comfort. So I'm sitting here over a late early-morning coffee in the stifling post-monsoon air, writing on behalf of yesterday, today!
Some readers know that I've been battling an agonizing situation over the past almost-six months. From earlier posts you'd be knowing that there's malfeasance galore in the 100 year old building I live in. We have a bunch of demons who've captured parts of the premises and a motley crew of cowards who watch silently, without protest. These demons are sneaky and operate termite-fashion to erode functioning systems leading to their collapse. If you've ever dealt with termites in your home you'd know how intractable they are. Well this is not a perfect analogy because termites* act instinctively and know no malice, malicious and vicious as their depredations feel to their victims. These criminals will also tell you that they act without malice - but you know better. Or do you? <shakes head>
Ask me why I live in this 100 year old building, when there are challenges by the minute? I'll give you at least one answer for each year, but first and foremost I'll tell you I do because I have a right to. A far greater right than this bunch of vermin. Cheeky much? Yes! The termites know it. And that's what stops them from eating up my water line altogether. If you don't already know it, their careless/callous activities are concentrated in the corner of the terrace through which my line makes its merry sojourn like the Holy Ganges through Himalayan crags and crannies to descend into my kitchen tanks. Some of you know these demons already, as the Moshers of the 4th Floor Mosh Pit. And their ceaseless thumping and breaking and building. Well this time around they have moshed my line into extinction.
And my poor waterless self is running from pillar to post for a solution.
What do our esteemed doctors do when arteries are bust up beyond repair?
Welcome to the Bypass!
The first time I heard that word oddly enough, was when our beyond CMDA/KMDA (does it still exist?) decided to construct a road that ran through the city's outskirts through wetlands and trash dumps to connect the heart of the city with Salt Lake and thereafter the airport. Back in 1984, emerging from the city's congestion onto this deserted road and zipping top speed along it, was considered a kind of treat for the bored juveniles that we were then. And we would also revel in how dark and creepy that road got after dark and how criminals lurked, waiting to hold up our vehicles and stab us.
And thus you see how yesterday's post has rewound the tape to hit an era whose memories bring joy and pain in equal measure. This one solitary road was viewed as a major feat in what some considered a dead/dying city fit to be abandoned. You read that right. Forty years later I'm reading social media posts about what a vibrant city this is! So was it that (in)famous EM Bypass that unknown to itself, became the game changer? Perhaps ...
Returning to 1983 and EMBP, there was one lane and barely any traffic. We girls were advised not to take it after dark, why even the guys were discouraged. Everything new is initially feared before we befriend it.
The aforementioned CMDA had an office in Salt Lake near Central Park amid desolate fields where kaash bloomed and rippled and waved at us and a solitary Karl Marx stood surveying it all. And that brings a memory of vast, uncharted space that enticed one to explore. Which I never got to do.
What does my water situation have to do with this road? Wait, I'll tell you!
Two days ago, the painful realization hit me, that the rooftop game was over. That I'd been hunting in vain for ways to fix a problem that would only ever get worse. That it took several rounds of plumbers (and their inflated charges for doing nothing) to declare the patient beyond saving.
Hence "RIP water line and thank you for your service" - my Facebook status on Sunday. I need to mention that this line had been brutally broken by these devils during the quasi-lockdown of 2021 when construction businesses alone were permitted to operate (how wicked is that, tell me and you know construct=destruct in this country) and had to be restored by me at a huge cost thanks to the non availability of any workman save those who smashed good stuff and cemented it over with bad stuff, leaving a damaged pipeline or two.
Wind back to the present and some more to the future. A bypass with a difference. An artery tapping into a burst of uncompromised hydro-power at a point where water flows free and strong. At an undisclosed location. Technically a new water line. More huge costs. A quest for funds as there are none left in this Annus Horribilis that has all but crushed me (at any rate my home) into extinction - ok I exaggerate a bit because I know I die hard. That's one thing I share with termites. And I hope my home will be every bit like me.
But but but ... maybe a fresh line will give a fresh lease of life and this ready-to-abandon city that is my troubled home right now, will thrive and flourish and be spoken about in glowing terms years later?
To hope then ... and faith that resources will present themselves and above all love. Love for my home and its well being and mine.