Healing through creative resources?
Hell, yes. One of the many slogans of SpiritSpiral Healing.
That's been bothering me for quite a while, especially from the perspective of WordWise - one of the very early offerings from our healing toolkit.
Our toolkit? Who else is there? There's me and there are all these resources. Oh and there's you. Ok - easy there. I'll tell you more.
Creative resources I imagine are resources that create. Like you know a paintbox and brushes. Noooo - they don't create a thing. They are your tools, you do the creating using them. They are at your service. So who is the creative resource? Me with all my talents? Perhaps. That still sounds a little Word-Unwise, don't you think?
Where do you think I'm headed with this? Of course I'm telling you that I'm canceling that slogan and replacing it with another one. Healing Creatively. Does one heal destructively? Yes, perhaps one does.
Enter creative destruction that I've said so much about in earlier posts.
You can't create something unless you destroy something - you know physics and all that.
Unless you're God - and most of you reading this illogical outpouring are ungodly.
Just kidding.
In the beginning there was nothing. Remember? Then God turned up from somewhere - no He turned up from nowhere because there was nothing. So what was destroyed then? Nothing!
Nothing also being a thing you can destroy.
You may ask me why such a post? It sounds like nonsense but that's a kind of sense too.
Us lesser beings are already resource rich - we arrive with something - and when we creatively destroy we alchemize. We change something into something else, even trash can generate energy.
As for me I don't need to trash anything. I am already inundated by trash. Trash is the most common by-product of acute and prolonged stress. When you feel gloomy, exhausted, you sink into apathy and that's when resources trash themselves, including sometimes your own talents. And an army of bikriwalas in additions to shrinks/therapists/counsellors/healers, has to be summoned.
Wait, I said healers. I am here for me. And for you. We are healing creatively. We are never not healing (that slogan remains). As nothing exists without its opposite, we are healing destructively too.
If you wonder where we are headed with this post, we are headed to the Healing Hub. In fact we are addressing you from the Healing Hub that we are already parked in. We always have, it's just that the name found itself a few hours ago. A concept finds recognition when a name finds it. And that magic happened.
We are surrounded by resources - we have inherited these resources, tangible and intangible and we are now tapping into them creatively. We are healing through heritage even as the heritage cries to be restored (remember healing = restoring to health?)
Wordplay much? Oh yes. In the beginning was The Word. And all the rest till this moment of writing has been play - The Divine Leela.
PS - there's nothing a good cup of coffee (or even an entire pot) can't do. At least for this priestess-healer-motivator. Don't believe the coffee-bashing naysayers. They're speaking for them, not for me. You can help fuel/refuel the Healing Hub with a cup of coffee - and a lot else if you are able to. How you can help will be announced soon. Be part of this, be part of us!
Footnote: I am looking at all the heritage writings of SSH, where a venture, a healing facilitation service created itself and evolved in full view of the audience. Some of them seem vague, others self contradictory. Do I trash them all, do I rewrite the original, editor-fashion? Don't watch this space, I canceled that slogan - get in touch, stay in touch!
Love from Project HearthFire - The Healing Hub. Powered by SpiritSpiral Healing and - surprise - Chakratirtha, Journeys Into Place, Mind, Spirit.
Footnote: All images are of coffee brewing in my little steel filter which is as old as this home I live in. Different phases and moods as the bubbles catch the light and the water slowly finds its way through the bed of "sand" to emerge in an underground pool.
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