A tenuous portal between my altar and me
#worldmentalhealthday #ProjectHearthFire
- are extensions of each other
are reflections and echoes of each other
indeed are each other.
I am my house, my house is me and it's complicated. Who then is the home?
There are three entities here - myself, my house and my home. Could you say that my home is the dynamic that plays through time and space between my house and I?
Patterns and pattern shifts are something I've always thought about and tried to work with. Patterns could be what we perceive, hence they may reveal themselves differently to us at different points in space and time. Also patterns are about relating, interweaving, interconnection between beings, entities. But there could indeed be some patterns hard coded into a setup or a situation. Thanks to the strong and abiding relationship I built via home, over time, trauma and transformation, the connect with "house" is visceral. Home is a portal that opens between house - structure, hard coded patterns that take radical change to shift - and I, me, myself. And shifting these is what I am about to explore. Via those very interconnections - a dynamic, an ecosystem I call home.
Let's think of home as the software (former s/w professional alert) I created/evolved over time to relate to my house and through which my house responds to me?
The theme I dwell on today is how the health of one determines the health of the other. My house has health issues - ones arising from mere age but more so from assaults on its integrity. When the house is ill, so am I. The home captures data and alerts me and the alerts could trigger symptoms as well as remedial responses in me (anger, panic and investigation/correction too) Alterations to software, rewriting of software, testing of software with new data. There are times when software too, fails to perform and crises happen instead of being averted. I find myself in one such. There are also subjective responses (refer to what I wrote about perceiving patterns -we respond to what we perceive) - it is beyond fixing/adaptation versus I am unable to fix it/adapt to it. Well this time it's both, so welcome to health-giving hardware changes!
We take this concept of "relating" as inbuilt - in short we take the portal called "home" for granted. That is till it's disturbed in some way. My house has been disturbed through space and time, so acutely and distressingly, cumulatively, that the idea of home as an interplay between house and self is wounded. And that which is wounded needs to heal. There's a sense of disconnect, of un-belonging between the parts. My home as I mentioned in an earlier post from this series, is not all of my home. And the conclusion here is inevitable. A conclusion that hardware changes are needed. It's all in the game. It has taken time to get here. Hardware changes cost a lot. That's one reason we try all software options we can, especially when we are creators of software in our own right. I can't fix hardware, I can only pay someone to fix it. And if you think this post is leading nowhere it's leading you to the Mother of Project HearthFire (of which a lot more in the ongoing #inkflowswarm series) - Project Waterfall. Isn't it ironical that this time around it's gonna take falling water to keep a fire burning????
Comment with your thoughts. This post struggled to come out of me. Maybe because of the revelations that emerged as I wrote and which will continue to emerge. And wish these Projects Well - shall we start a Project Wishing Well?
Footnote: People who know me well know how deeply invested I am in the house-home duo I derive my sustenance from. I will share more with anyone who is curious.
I like the metaphor of the house and the home. It's very interesting that we have to update the software again and again as years pass.
ReplyDeleteAnd while updating the software has a lot to do with the human(s) who create and sustain the home, it becomes interesting when malfunctioning software alerts us to the needs of hardware to be tended to.