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Friday, November 3, 2023

I Write, Therefore I Am


The writer's identity

Cheers readers! I am back to continue what I started here - yes I had asked you to stop and run your 'script by me. Now what if there is no script yet? You are struggling to put one together. You are wading in an ocean of ideas, with links and references strewn around for good measure. Or maybe none of these but you have some emotions wanting to pour themselves out and they are stuck in your throat?
Here's where I come in again. 
There are many stages of evolution that an article - or a story or a book - goes through before you have a script that an editor can actually read.  And you just might like somebody with you to run your ideas by. Or somebody who can help  put some of them into words. Yes that's one more of my roles. I am your writing buddy. The finest of us writers, the ones whose ink invariably flows smoothly, occasionally crave for a buddy, a companion to sit and brainstorm with. Most of us need one a lot of the time. Here I come, again. Trust me this will be great for both of us. I love to write. Even more, I love that you write and I love to read what you write. 

There's a buddy at hand

There are several stages of birthing and you will be glad to have an empathetic midwife who can help you come out with your best offering. 

All I can say is Get In Touch!
I can even do a piece of writing for you, if  you think you have a writers block you are convinced won't go away in a hurry and you need to put that post or article out there soon. Or if you think you have zero writing skills (those can be built up and fine-honed but I will save that for the next post) and have something you really need to share with the world. I am there.

Now folks have asked me to put my charges out there. What I charge depends on the width and depth of what you need and your own existing skill set. The same goes for the editing work I take up - you see that's the penultimate stage of the birthing of the document? And the work I need to do depends so much on the work you may have already done or the stage at which you are stuck for guidance. 
I personally edit the life into my own writing, being the perfectionist that I am. 
What's vital is that you convey your thought process to me and I will do the same for you. Those pesky grammar and syntax glitches, the clingy verbiage that's waiting to pull you in circles - they'll all be ironed out while retaining the framework and flavor as authentically yours.

Coming together beautifully

Whichever stage you are I can help you out. You write, therefore you are, and I'll support you. As I said earlier, get in touch.

Email me at
or contact me over FB messenger


  1. I will share this forward. Such an important and pertinent service - like a life coach for writers! ♥️♥️♥️

    1. Thank you so much - I love the word "life coach". Much love!


Your turn to write ... don't leave it unwritten