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Sunday, January 2, 2022

Doubting Diva Turns First Foot Turns Gentle Guide and Hand-Holder

 My my, that is such a "clickbaity" headline. The Foot in question belongs to the Diva and so does the hand that holds and guides and these are her parting words from 2021 as well as her words of welcome to 2022.
I decided to update the post on 16th March 2022 with a picture of me pointing the way - you can see the foot and the gentle guiding hand.

Photo credit Ashesh Mitra

Preamble done, on with the content!

In these times of obfuscation, willful deception and large numbers of weary, gullible folks who drive these narratives because they enable the convenient path of least resistance, (ok that was a mouthful) truth is challenging to pursue, identify, face and embrace.

Coal that I carried across the threshold - your guess what it is

In 2021, I received this insight-cum-gift-cum-lesson in an ugly wrapping. A beautiful gift in an ugly wrapping is something I had learnt about when my mother, as she closed her earth-innings, told me her passing would be just such a gift. Falling ill and being ill for a length of time was perhaps what some folks term "collateral damage" from my own quest and pursuit ..... I think of it as the yards and yards of unlovely wrapping for the precious, fragile gift within that is not given to too many. I got away lightly and I could have got away without this damage (now hitting my already depleted wallet very hard) but some rewards are best l/earned the hard way. As I cross the threshold to 2022, I will be my own First Foot*. I am tall, dark and ... ummm handsome especially in my Halford Robe** and I'm a twin spirit so I can as well be male, plus I have coal to carry, leftover from stocks I had collected for playing Santa Claus for serial offenders. I will do so with the confidence that I have earned my badge.***
Doubt can be our best friend in troubled times and my High Priestess Wisdom is - "do not hesitate to doubt". Doubt is natural and is engendered in all beings as a tool or a bridge towards truth. While comfortable positions make you feel you are surviving, truth will free you to thrive and flourish and that's what we all aspire to ❤ Truth (I did not say THE truth, note) is about perspective and how we perceive and interpret data. That's where a friendly guide can help. I am just a ping away and I promise I will direct you towards it. Recognizing it, accepting and embracing it however, is your call, the call of each individual. I am but a facilitator who opens portals and encourages you to walk through without fear, and to open more portals for yourself. It can be a lonely journey, scary and uncomfortable at times, but so worth it.

Above all, I wish for readers - indeed for the world - for 2022 and onward, the courage to question and challenge. May it be all of ours because I could do with WAY more of it myself.

Cheers and Happy, Blessed, Peaceful and Enlightened 2022 to all ❤

Chakra Incognita/Mayalakshmi Rao 31st December 2021
Contact SpiritSpiral Healing (a service run by me) for guidance/hand-holding and much else

* First Foot is a tradition where a tall, dark and handsome male "stranger" crosses your threshold at midnight at the threshold of the New Year to bring you luck. Click on the words to learn more about Hogmanay and First Foot traditions. I had been fascinated by these since reading about them in a story, as a teenager. The advent of internet in the home enabled more research and I co-opted this custom into my own traditions. My First Foot is sometimes by invitation, someone who drops by on the 1st of January and never a stranger, and when there's nobody around in person, the threshold is crossed online at midnight by a loved one. This year the threshold sent out one version of me and welcomed in another. I marked that, with make-believe coal. Your guess what it really is, it's in the first picture. And first thing in the morning I received a surprise call from someone who recently adopted me as GodMom.

** Rob Halford in one of his robes. I plan to wear one such and pace the stage.

*** ask me what the badge is for, rather please award one yourself - I will be delighted to read what you think deserves an award