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Saturday, May 7, 2022

"Like A Circle In A Spiral, Like A Wheel Within A Wheel"

This venture grows through our individual and collective freewheeling and this post will like wise grow through edits as and when significant ideas emerge.

First posted 2nd May 2022 at 10:50 am

Edited substantially on 7th May 2022 at 11:44 am

Hello Prospective Clients - thought I'd provide a little clarity that will answer some of the questions I've been receiving from you all.

You are an ideal client for these services if you like to read .. or to listen. And discover ...

Reading doesn't necessarily mean read a big fat book. Even if you like reading the writing on the wall, reading people's faces and their thoughts, reading the patterns you see in nature, reading between the lines of a news report, reading the fine print on a document, reading maps, reading signboards, reading graffiti, reading an image and acting on it or being inspired to write about it you are good to go. In fact that means you already have the ingredients in hand.

Again listening need not mean listening to a long lecture without falling asleep. It could mean listening to birdsong, to the sounds of your street waking up, to a friend who has thoughts to share or to a stranger with a tale to tell or to a favorite song. Or listening to podcasts on my channel to which you're invited to subscribe

Yes reading and listening lead to writing - doodling, scribbling, painting, singing, dancing .. tapping into creative resources within and without and crafting a way of life through them. See I'm freewheeling!

Did I leave out watching? I leave it to you to continue the freewheeling in your comments. Observe and absorb through all your available input devices is what I meant to convey.
Now read on ...
For all those who think that Chakra Incognita deals with all those unnamed uncharted "chakras" that are thought to be all over the human body (saying this in a simplistic manner because this is not the topic here) - let's take a look at the true origins. Incognita has been my pen name since 2006. I created this FB account much later as a work account for a venture named Chakratirtha Travels co created by three fine people including myself. As FB would not accept a single name(it seems to do that now) I needed another name to tag on to it and "Chakra" just slipped into place. Chakra Incognita, co founder and owner of CTT. Later Chakratirtha Travels evolved into Chakratirtha - Journeys Into Place, Mind, Spirit. Get where this is going? Yes. Quite another matter that FB forced me to change my name because a troll reported me for spurning unsolicited messages, resulting in the creation of a page bearing that identity, because the identities we create for ourselves matter more than any we are born with or have thrust upon us.

Read Journeys With A Difference to understand more about what "chakra" signified.

An extract:
"Journeys are very often not a linear progression from one point to another. The traveller takes circuitous routes; make detours; pauses to absorb and reflect. Some wind and spiral their way by unexpected means to the destination of their dreams. This is what our Chakratirtha represents. Those curves and pauses, the acts of circling and recircling before landing are meaningful. The internet just made the process so much easier and we use it as a ford to guide you across." We have evolved way beyond that over the years.

"Like a circle in a spiral
Like a wheel within a wheel" - get it?

SpiritSpiral Healing as a venture came to life somewhere in my own journey through place, mind, spirit, my own Imramma* as physical travel shut itself down one fine midnight - I will post that story at some other point.

All of us are spirit housed in bodies - so no point in asking me if this is spiritual work
Everything we do is spiritual work

❤ The universe is an unlimited creative resource of which we are a part. Everything mentioned below is part thereof. Read on ...

I don't offer yoga classes, Chakra cleansing, tarot reading, astrology and all those things that get mysteriously lumped together in the contemporary perception. (I think each of these are worth their own weight and are valuable tools when deployed by those who have studied and are practising them). Rather I lead you to rethink some of those perceptions by reading deeply, listening mindfully, interacting and conversing, and tapping into your own known as well as undiscovered creative resources. I lead you to look at your relationship with words.

In the course of my journeys with the client (yes connect more dots please) I am happy to have conversations and delve into all those spheres that are mentioned (chakras, tarot et al) and guide you to resources in these fields. There are resources within us and an infinite resource in the shape of the universe that we tap into. We are co-creators. I only lead you to awaken that awareness and make the most of it.
These are services and they cost me time, energy, concentration research and deep-delving within and without. Naturally I charge for them. I could go on but I will leave that for another post.
Please read it and comment - we are all co-creators. Blessings on all our journeys as we circle and spiral our way, as we embrace healing and wholeness


*Imramma - a note from Kim Raikes, co-founder CTT
'"Did I ever talk to you last year about the Celtic tradition of the immrama ("rowing about") where there is no set destination, but rather, a willingness to relinquish oneself to the will of God--"to step out from the familiar place and to journey to a land chosen and revealed by God. The absolutelness of this sense of call was marked by the fact that the majority of such pilgrims typically never communicated again with home or kin." (from my Living Between Worlds book by Sheldrake) "They sentenced themselves to a perpetual banishment."
'Hand in hand with the external or physical journey was the parallel inward journey. "The perfect pilgrimage involved an inner as well as an outer change...The wanderers made themselves displaced persons"... they became "stateless persons" who had no temporal destinations. "As the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle for 891 CE records, three Irishmen arrived in Cornwall England in a curragh without a steering oar 'because they wanted to go into exile for the love of God, they cared not whither.'"

Note: I am clueless about how one should actually spell the word Imramma - is it Imrama or Immrama or Imramma? I am trying to delve into the etymology. It's also interesting how often I have made these rudderless dashes against rocks and collisions with other boats. Is there a hand that guides, protects and saves those who are set adrift or set themselves adrift?

NOTE: Please visit all the links (you can peruse or deep read as you are called to, down the line) once to get the full picture of what is going on. It will make all the difference.

THE BLOG: This blog is not specifically connected with this venture. For the time being I am using this space to articulate in writing whatever I need to

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Introducing Services From SpiritSpiral Healing

Welcome to SpiritSpiral Healing

Hello From Chakra Incognita


Here are posts introducing you to SpiritSpiral Healing's
offerings and telling you how to sign up for them. Check them out. If you have questions or need further information, please post it as a comment.

More posts will follow and I will include them in this list as they come up

The Mother And Daughter Of All Arts - details and prices here

Like A Circle In A Spiral, Like A Wheel Within A Wheel - this one elaborates on who the services are meant for and likely to appeal to and says addresses some of the common assumptions/misconceptions people have when seeing words like "spirit" and "healing".

Email: or message this Facebook Page or this profile with your queries/to book sessions

Friday, April 8, 2022

Never Not Healing

"Never Not Healing" -  the post that never was and always will be :) 

Some years ago this beautiful tree outside my window was brutally felled almost down to its trunk, breaking my heart. But it started to heal even as it was devastated. Here it is now with the setting sun reflected behind it, with the promise that it will rise again as night fades.

 I am smiling at the thought that I never got down to making the post  but the words themselves tell you that this message is confined neither in time nor space. 

Here is the promised prequel to the post The Mother And Daughter Of All Arts -yes we writers often imagine something to be already written before we pen it down Available for you to actually read. This fulfills a promise I made to myself over a year ago. I mentioned this yet-to-be-written post in the initial document I released, announcing the vision and diverse offerings from SSH. A version of this document still floats around. In it I referred to this post lovingly like it had already been read by many. No doubt so many of you whom I’d brainstormed ideas with had already read it in my outpourings.

Perhaps this is how we create the future. We think of it as having happened. All I do here is present a consolidated piece of writing with the essence of themes I’ve already used as threads in weaving connections with people around me in the cyber-verse as well as in person. 

Quoting from the post The Mother And Daughter Of All Arts , started in 2021 and left in suspended animation through all my adventures in my personal healing space : 

"You already familiar with the post "Never Not Healing" shared by me on the blog  and the healing paradigms referred to. Healing is a continuum and a natural state in all beings as part of a universal rhythm. Sustaining this by tapping into and channeling the creative processes within us, that mirror the ones in the universe, is at the heart and soul of every offering here."  

Do we even need this post, I ask myself, late as I have been in formally presenting the ideas to you? All we need is to awaken the awareness of what is already within us - you, and me in tandem with you, for every moment is a rebirth and a re-awakening for me as well. 

Snapping those eyelids open in a semi-shock - or gently coaxing them open to permit the clear light of day to find its way in. Lying still as a sunbeam caresses you gently making you want to give in to its embrace. Whichever way, awaken we must after slumber. Awakening awareness within us is similar to our own waking up from slumber, and there are journeys that lead to it. 

Two terms you will likely come across a great deal on writings from SpiritSpiral Healing and in the course of sessions/workshops I offer,  are "freewheeling" and "creative destruction". The latter happens in our individual  "ecosystem" of body-mind-spirit without a pause as long as we are alive. I like to think parts of it continue to thrive and evolve or alter and decay over time even after we “shuffle off this mortal coil”. 

Freewheeling is a word that came to me out of the blue when I encountered people showing defensive reactions to any new or deviant idea that was expressed, especially at a time when we needed fresh and radical ideas, even really simple ones to end the morbid stagnation the world found itself in. The sort of self destruction that was the opposite of creative. 

While lying around daydreaming, the word "freewheeling" started playing in my mind. I decided to delve a little and while I discovered so many definitions that were about being irresponsible, I finally found what must have sent the word gently spiraling through my mind's freeway in the first place.

Read this:

"Willing to experiment and take risks by going beyond the usual rules or accepted ways of doing things" - I definitely tend to have that spirit myself. Ironically that’s the spirit that the ambience of the times has tried hard to suppress, leading to numerous mental health troubles.

Best of all are these words:
"Freewheeling means the wilder the idea, the better. It is always easier to tame an idea than to make one more exciting"

As for “Creative destruction” – I will hand the floor to  you and would love to have your thoughts in comments. 

...  to be contd ...

And I leave you with buds on the tree at dawn while Venus rises

The Mother And The Daughter Of All Arts

Spirit Spiral Healing 

'One art form fuels and inspires another, throws light on and gives more value to it. For me they all point to the art I am most taken up with right now - the art of healing which seems to me like both the mother and the daughter of all arts.'

This photo is of me and taken by me. DO NOT post it anywhere. It is personal and the logo of this venture

These are the opening words on my Facebook Page as I introduce a venture that formally launched on 17th March 2021 and went on hiatus soon thereafter, thanks to an exacerbation of the macabre worldwide situation we were all thrown unceremoniously into in March 2020. The post Doubting Diva Turns First Foot Turns Gentle Guide and Hand-Holder will tell you what happened in some of the months that followed March '20. And more of what happened in those intervening months post March '21 and how it has all served to turn this into a far more meaningful venture than I had ever envisaged, will reveal itself in the coming posts. The next few posts on Unwritten will be devoted to sharing my thoughts about this solo creative offering and its continuing evolution.  

Hello from SpiritSpiral Healing 


Welcome to The Energy Exchange!

You are already familiar with the article “Never Not Healing” shared by me on my blog so you are familiar with the concepts of healing and the healing paradigms referred to*. To quote from the article, healing is a continuum and a natural state in all beings as part of a universal rhythm. Sustaining this by tapping into and channeling the creative processes within, that mirror the ones in the universe are the heart and soul of every offering here.


The online workshops and interactive sessions commencing very shortly have chosen for themselves the name Energy Exchange. Read on and you will see how this takes place.


What you can look forward to:

·       gentle shifting of thinking blocks

·       subtle changes in the way energy flows through you

·       trails towards the confidence to embrace your uniqueness and original thinking

·        opening of pathways to channel your passion(it could be anger, rage, intense love, yearning or anything else) into creative activity

·       transforming fear from foe to friend

·        keys to accessing a wide and deep pool of energy and·of creative resources.


What I look forward to:


  • ·       your trust in me
  • ·       your curiosity
  • ·       your desire to question
  • ·       your patience
  • ·       a desire to sift
  • ·       a yearning to understand nuance
  • ·        moderate fluency in English  ... and

  • ·        money I receive from you with grace, which will transform into   provision for my        living needs.


What we can together look forward to:


  • ·       the flow that charges the collective energy pool we all drink from by the                     sending and receiving of creative energies
  • ·       more inner harmony and balance within the individual and the collective
  • ·       the ironing out of socio-economic inequities one wrinkle at a time - yes the                 butterfly effect is real.


A spirit of freewheeling (with gentle steering rather than structure) is the underlying energy that permeates each session. The sessions do follow a pattern with variations. First I have conversation one on one with the persons contacting me,  guiding them to the right offering for them - this could involve a set of leading questions I ask them as guideposts. The modules listed below could be blended together for customized one on one sessions. 

Sessions can be between 1.5 and 3 hours. Sometime they could be split into parts that can stretch to a different day. 

Update: 14th June 2023
The charges - for recharging my monetary pool - will vary between approximately INR1200 and INR2600 per person per personal themed session/personal freewheeling session/
workshop  depending on the content and duration.

For more than one participant there are standard offerings. 3 participants are an ideal number.  Rates could be different for specially customized workshops or individual sessions. 

WordWise comes for a price of 800INR and makes a great starter or warmup that could lead to discovering what a person needs to focus on next. Yes this is still available. 

Courses: Self paced courses covering 5-6 sessions are being announced soon. Stay tuned!!!!

This information is subject to change, considering the very volatile times we live in. Each session is lovingly and mindfully crafted and I share my own personal stories too at times (people will tell you I can tell a good story)

Signups are open – sessions are over Zoom and scheduled at mutual convenience. Email  to know available slots and sign-up process.


Join in and be a co-creator. All workshops will be online, bridging place/time realms. No face to face sessions are currently available. 

 About me: I am not a doctor or a psychologist. Nor do I carry a certification from any board or school of healing. I am a writer and educator.  I align more with what some indigenous cultures would think of as a Wise Woman Archetype ... and I do hope I am continually evolving towards more wisdom.  

I have learnt in the school of life and carry that experience into these energy exchanges. I do not call myself a healer. I am a facilitator and one who helps light a pathway you create for yourself. I occasionally walk with you and I watch and come in where guidance is needed. I seek to be gentle and patient. The  saying “First Do No Harm”  is my inspiration,  an ideal I cherish.  I look forward to your cherishing it too, as you go forth on your journey.

*read "Never Not Healing" to remove any possible confusion on what this service is about*  Also read "Like A Circle In  A Spiral" for further clarity

NOTE: Prices are listed for India as the service is initially available in India. People outside India who may be interested in please email spiritspira; with your background information and detailed enquiry. 

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Doubting Diva Turns First Foot Turns Gentle Guide and Hand-Holder

 My my, that is such a "clickbaity" headline. The Foot in question belongs to the Diva and so does the hand that holds and guides and these are her parting words from 2021 as well as her words of welcome to 2022.
I decided to update the post on 16th March 2022 with a picture of me pointing the way - you can see the foot and the gentle guiding hand.

Photo credit Ashesh Mitra

Preamble done, on with the content!

In these times of obfuscation, willful deception and large numbers of weary, gullible folks who drive these narratives because they enable the convenient path of least resistance, (ok that was a mouthful) truth is challenging to pursue, identify, face and embrace.

Coal that I carried across the threshold - your guess what it is

In 2021, I received this insight-cum-gift-cum-lesson in an ugly wrapping. A beautiful gift in an ugly wrapping is something I had learnt about when my mother, as she closed her earth-innings, told me her passing would be just such a gift. Falling ill and being ill for a length of time was perhaps what some folks term "collateral damage" from my own quest and pursuit ..... I think of it as the yards and yards of unlovely wrapping for the precious, fragile gift within that is not given to too many. I got away lightly and I could have got away without this damage (now hitting my already depleted wallet very hard) but some rewards are best l/earned the hard way. As I cross the threshold to 2022, I will be my own First Foot*. I am tall, dark and ... ummm handsome especially in my Halford Robe** and I'm a twin spirit so I can as well be male, plus I have coal to carry, leftover from stocks I had collected for playing Santa Claus for serial offenders. I will do so with the confidence that I have earned my badge.***
Doubt can be our best friend in troubled times and my High Priestess Wisdom is - "do not hesitate to doubt". Doubt is natural and is engendered in all beings as a tool or a bridge towards truth. While comfortable positions make you feel you are surviving, truth will free you to thrive and flourish and that's what we all aspire to ❤ Truth (I did not say THE truth, note) is about perspective and how we perceive and interpret data. That's where a friendly guide can help. I am just a ping away and I promise I will direct you towards it. Recognizing it, accepting and embracing it however, is your call, the call of each individual. I am but a facilitator who opens portals and encourages you to walk through without fear, and to open more portals for yourself. It can be a lonely journey, scary and uncomfortable at times, but so worth it.

Above all, I wish for readers - indeed for the world - for 2022 and onward, the courage to question and challenge. May it be all of ours because I could do with WAY more of it myself.

Cheers and Happy, Blessed, Peaceful and Enlightened 2022 to all ❤

Chakra Incognita/Mayalakshmi Rao 31st December 2021
Contact SpiritSpiral Healing (a service run by me) for guidance/hand-holding and much else

* First Foot is a tradition where a tall, dark and handsome male "stranger" crosses your threshold at midnight at the threshold of the New Year to bring you luck. Click on the words to learn more about Hogmanay and First Foot traditions. I had been fascinated by these since reading about them in a story, as a teenager. The advent of internet in the home enabled more research and I co-opted this custom into my own traditions. My First Foot is sometimes by invitation, someone who drops by on the 1st of January and never a stranger, and when there's nobody around in person, the threshold is crossed online at midnight by a loved one. This year the threshold sent out one version of me and welcomed in another. I marked that, with make-believe coal. Your guess what it really is, it's in the first picture. And first thing in the morning I received a surprise call from someone who recently adopted me as GodMom.

** Rob Halford in one of his robes. I plan to wear one such and pace the stage.

*** ask me what the badge is for, rather please award one yourself - I will be delighted to read what you think deserves an award