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Friday, August 22, 2014

"Come Out of Hiding!"

One never knows the secrets of that mysterious hidden River Sarasvati. She is the deepest essence of the Goddess we turn to in our empty moments when we are lost in a sea of void.
The river/goddess though, cannot be found by digging frantically underground in search of her. She is a silent operator and sometimes we need to co-conspire with her silence to allow her to reveal herself.

Today was one such day. A chance interaction on a Facebook post of mine that suddenly opened me to this wisdom. The first threshold on the path, crossed!

Cut from mystery to history - recent history. Yesterday I had chanced upon a beautiful quote ascribed to Vincent Van Gogh and it sent me powerful subterranean signals. I had touched the mystical river. She had come out of hiding for one precious moment and I had to share that moment spontaneously.

The quote was posted on a site that had an even more inspiring name "By All Means Create" that left me with an even greater sense of validation, being a painter who painted with words! Yes a word-artist. Hearing the resounding call to turn a deaf ear to all those naysayers within and without:
"We invite you to ignore that inner critic who says, 'you cannot' because it is through any medium and by all means that art is created."

I promptly shared the quote and sent out the call, loud and clear as my Facebook status.
I share part of the conversation that followed. It motivated me to make a post after a long gap. I am delighted at the way the post has timed itself. Read on and you will know.
To my jesting question of how I could possibly create in the absence of my "Head" (currently immersed in higher studies, more about him later in the post), I found some really profound answers in the shape of a conversation between Kim Raikes and Robert J. Evans II, awaiting me on waking.

Kim: "Fortunately creation does not come from our heads. I'm not sure where it does come from, though. I'm sure that Sarasvati knows."  

Robert: "Poetically speaking, at this time I believe creation comes from the Ground of Being's (Robert, I will request you to explain this term via comment, so our readers can understand better - I will simplistically equate it to divine power for now) will to love itself. From our perspective creation appears both peaceful and wrathful, at rest and moving. We participate in this whole process of movement and repose, creating and destroying as we learn how to love ourselves. (just thinking out loud)

Kim: "Just thinking out loud as well, yes, Bob. There is both a destructive and pacific edge to creation... both a passive and active participation on our part. Anyone who has ever watched birth or death, of a person or a poem or an idea, can probably appreciate this...The pacific and active parts are easy to love. I'm still working on loving the destructive and passive parts, and fitting myself into the mix "

I instantly connected with and replied to Robert's summing up of the magnificent cosmic process of which we  are -and in which we play- a part, seamlessly woven in.
".... the cosmic balance that Nataraja embodies in his perpetual dance.
 'At rest and moving' - your words are affirming and make me feel better about this roller coaster of fits and starts, of "movement and repose" that I ride 24x7. I ride it clumsily, Nataraja with aplomb!"

Suddenly I could understand with new insight, the often frustrating and inexplicable way the creative process worked for all of us. 

And I found myself bubbling over with my new found sense of revelation!

Sarasvati is that mysterious underground river and she is the wood nymph that turns up in unexpected places in the heart of a crowded city.

Wood Nymph Sarasvati of Kolkata turns Mystical Underground River Sarasvati
Photograph by Kim Raikes metamorphosed by Incognita in a moment of revelation

 And those happenstances impel us to create! My "Head" (introduced earlier in this post) was one such unexpected gift to me.

 To quote Kim, "The pacific and active parts are easy to love. I'm still working on loving the destructive and passive parts, and fitting myself into the mix"
Kim, this fitting in, is what causes the friction. You and I (and other creators we know) try to "fit" ourselves under some unseen pressure that we feel. I believe that "fitting" is only about "tailoring" ourselves  to connect with those who are happy to limit themselves and try to limit others so they can be in control. As they are currently in charge of the "world," we struggle. Maybe we need to alter this process and start to synchronize with Nataraja's rhythm. Let us creators take a step towards creating a new paradigm. Today is a day of celebration for both of us and we have a third hidden element that we both embrace as part of the celebration.

To you, dear Karan Vohra, the mystical hidden river in my life that surprises me when I least expect, I dedicate this post on your birthday. Let this be a day that awakens new creative processes in all of us and most especially you. A Very Happy Birthday!


  1. Challenges makes life exciting and yes esp if the sub-conscious tries to over power the body with some thoughts, the conscious mind should try to prove it wrong!

    Well said, Maya

    1. There are two ways the subconscious directs ( the conscious lends itself to such direction) - with the "naysayer" signals and with positive ones.
      I think the conscious mind's challenge is separating them and going in sync with the positive ones. Negativity has an uncanny knack of winning and this is where we need to surround ourselves with positive and affirming elements and a nurturing environment. One more way that the supportive presence of my visitors and commentors can help me :)

  2. I love this connection between Paul Tillich's Ground of Being (Bob, I too wish you'd expand upon this thought) and Nataraja's dance of creation (and destruction). I'm remembering that the incredible kolam designs drawn by Hindu women on their doorsteps are not only daily artistic expressions of prayer, but also acceptances of their inevitable destruction, through rain and passing footprints and time... And I'm remembering as well the incredible Queen's stepwell in Gujarat, which was buried for 9 centuries in the mud, to merge only in these recent decades to become a World Heritage site. This magnificent expression of faith through the exquisite carvings of deep layers of stone, down to the source of well water, seems like a fitting metaphor for creation...destruction...and re-birth. Interesting that it's the long-lost and mysterious Sarasvati river which feeds the well... Karan,, my birthday wish is that you are able to tap this well, whether hidden or visible, in all the years to come, and that you have the perspective to see the whole dance of its veiling and unveiling. Happy birthday, and many happy returns!

    1. Kim you and I are currently deep inside a well - the inner well for me and methinks I know which well for you.
      Let the Well Whisper!

    2. And this is uncanny. I am now looking at the picture on the post (credit you and me) and thinking about emergence from mud (a river) and the clay dissolving into the river (visarjan - the wood nymph being the exception that was left to merge into mud)

  3. Maya so inspiring this write-up is :) It has really made me think and somewhere resonates with my current state of mind :) Very nicely put and aptly written :)

    1. Thank you so much Sharda - it's lovely to see you here. I am so happy that it resonates with you.
      You motivate me to keep writing. I feel great joy in making that connection with the mind and heart of each reader.

  4. "Word Artist"! I love that term and that expresses very well what writers do! What a wonderful thoughtful interaction you all had! And they say Facebook only deals with superficiality!

    1. I was waiting for someone to connect with that expression! Thank you <3
      And no, people choose to be superficial on Facebook. It's up to us how we use it. Though I have to say its interface is not always encouraging. I have had some fascinating conversations on FB and interesting projects have emerged from them

  5. I am going to go write as well. It's been way too long. :)

    1. This made me happy! Many think it, everyone doesn't declare it! And alas, too few of us do it.
      We ALL owe it to ourselves to create a public space that is ours, where we are not answerable for our opinions and we can own them with pride. Create one of your own, be in charge! It wasn't easy before the cyber age but you are lucky in ways that I wasn't at your stage of life. Well, I am making up for it now. Power to your pen!
      I like that you are not going to leave it Unwritten :)

  6. This is so inspiring Maya :) It nurtures in me a desire to break through and remove all obstacles coming my way :) Thanks for writing. Look, I have not left it unwritten :)

    1. Thank you so much dear Nadeem for your comment. And I applaud you for not leaving it unwritten. Hope many take the cue from you. Do keep visiting and I am happy it has kindled this urge in you!

  7. Shed every inhibition and just create. Just release yourself..thanks for the post Chakra !

    1. I knew nuances these metaphors revealed would appeal to you.

  8. I love this metaphor of Saraswati. I have often wondered what makes me write some of the pieces that flow from some other realm. It is as if, I became quiet and said, I need to write and I don't know what. And suddenly just like that the sentence appears without any effort. Ma Saraswati flowing within emerges I guess. Or there is a point I connect with her. I don't know. But it isn't effort. It was just there.

    1. You always enhance my understanding of my own posts Bhavana. You are so right. I connect with her or she connects with me. I believe if we open ourselves to this mystical hidden river flowing through us, we can unlock our creativity even more. No there is no effort - there is surrender to the flow!

  9. It felt like reading an elaborate Indianisation of Shelley's Ode to the West Wind where the "heavy weight of hours has chained and bowed" it's airy form into that of liquid.

    1. This is a fascinating response. I must read the poem and ponder. Thanks for visiting and commenting. My mom would have had something to say on this with her English lit background.

    2. "Thou on whose stream, mid the steep sky's commotion,
      Loose clouds like earth's decaying leaves are shed,
      Shook from the tangled boughs of Heaven and Ocean,

      Angels of rain and lightning: there are spread
      On the blue surface of thine aƫry surge,
      Like the bright hair uplifted from the head"
      The poem sounds almost Indian-spirited - thanks for leading me to it.

  10. You know that my idea of creating is writing songs. At my highest points of inspiration, I find that I am not creating, as much as I am translating what already exists. The mythical river you are alluding to is probably the source of these ideas. I have always thought of this source as the universal consciousness - ether, if you will. Art that people can relate to brings them together because it probably exists as a dream or memory in the cosmic dimensions of our minds. Are we all creators then, or are we historians or translators appointed by the Goddess?

    1. This comment is beyond profound and the sort of surreal writing that Kim Raikes will instantly wrap her mind up in. Whether she appoints us or we tune in and draw from her is a mystery to me. What I do know is that we are channels and the river flows through us. The water and the channel interact through the journey and nourish each other. Let me connect you to another post on this theme. Meanwhile do read the comments on this one.


Your turn to write ... don't leave it unwritten