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Friday, April 8, 2022

Never Not Healing

"Never Not Healing" -  the post that never was and always will be :) 

Some years ago this beautiful tree outside my window was brutally felled almost down to its trunk, breaking my heart. But it started to heal even as it was devastated. Here it is now with the setting sun reflected behind it, with the promise that it will rise again as night fades.

 I am smiling at the thought that I never got down to making the post  but the words themselves tell you that this message is confined neither in time nor space. 

Here is the promised prequel to the post The Mother And Daughter Of All Arts -yes we writers often imagine something to be already written before we pen it down Available for you to actually read. This fulfills a promise I made to myself over a year ago. I mentioned this yet-to-be-written post in the initial document I released, announcing the vision and diverse offerings from SSH. A version of this document still floats around. In it I referred to this post lovingly like it had already been read by many. No doubt so many of you whom I’d brainstormed ideas with had already read it in my outpourings.

Perhaps this is how we create the future. We think of it as having happened. All I do here is present a consolidated piece of writing with the essence of themes I’ve already used as threads in weaving connections with people around me in the cyber-verse as well as in person. 

Quoting from the post The Mother And Daughter Of All Arts , started in 2021 and left in suspended animation through all my adventures in my personal healing space : 

"You already familiar with the post "Never Not Healing" shared by me on the blog  and the healing paradigms referred to. Healing is a continuum and a natural state in all beings as part of a universal rhythm. Sustaining this by tapping into and channeling the creative processes within us, that mirror the ones in the universe, is at the heart and soul of every offering here."  

Do we even need this post, I ask myself, late as I have been in formally presenting the ideas to you? All we need is to awaken the awareness of what is already within us - you, and me in tandem with you, for every moment is a rebirth and a re-awakening for me as well. 

Snapping those eyelids open in a semi-shock - or gently coaxing them open to permit the clear light of day to find its way in. Lying still as a sunbeam caresses you gently making you want to give in to its embrace. Whichever way, awaken we must after slumber. Awakening awareness within us is similar to our own waking up from slumber, and there are journeys that lead to it. 

Two terms you will likely come across a great deal on writings from SpiritSpiral Healing and in the course of sessions/workshops I offer,  are "freewheeling" and "creative destruction". The latter happens in our individual  "ecosystem" of body-mind-spirit without a pause as long as we are alive. I like to think parts of it continue to thrive and evolve or alter and decay over time even after we “shuffle off this mortal coil”. 

Freewheeling is a word that came to me out of the blue when I encountered people showing defensive reactions to any new or deviant idea that was expressed, especially at a time when we needed fresh and radical ideas, even really simple ones to end the morbid stagnation the world found itself in. The sort of self destruction that was the opposite of creative. 

While lying around daydreaming, the word "freewheeling" started playing in my mind. I decided to delve a little and while I discovered so many definitions that were about being irresponsible, I finally found what must have sent the word gently spiraling through my mind's freeway in the first place.

Read this:

"Willing to experiment and take risks by going beyond the usual rules or accepted ways of doing things" - I definitely tend to have that spirit myself. Ironically that’s the spirit that the ambience of the times has tried hard to suppress, leading to numerous mental health troubles.

Best of all are these words:
"Freewheeling means the wilder the idea, the better. It is always easier to tame an idea than to make one more exciting"

As for “Creative destruction” – I will hand the floor to  you and would love to have your thoughts in comments. 

...  to be contd ...

And I leave you with buds on the tree at dawn while Venus rises


  1. We are so afraid of breaking the norms and conventions that your concept of freewheeling is a way of countering the creative destruction which is actually caused by that innate fear. This is my understanding of the two words.

    1. This is a very unusual take. I must ponder deeply and respond

  2. Being an ardent fan of improv sessions, I feel that freewheeling with you would be able to give me a different perspective on certain thought processes that have been drilled into me, which is where the creative destruction can happen- together we create something that destroys the previous notions and helps forge a new thought through conversation

    1. Thank you! These are the exact words I needed to hear. I needed someone to express "creative destruction" in a meaningful way and I got that. Which is why I keep pestering you :)

  3. A deeply philosophic and poignant comment from Kim Raikes. Am posting it on her behalf as her original comment was eaten
    'Yesterday was Good Friday in the Christian calendar. As a child I often asked my mother, “What’s good about Jesus’ crucifixion?” The destruction of his life appalled me. Mother never could answer that question. It took me years to understand that out of that destruction came creation, the sacrificial genesis of new life, rebirth, Easter.

    Not too long ago a friend of mine sat beside her dying father. The struggles of his last moments caused her deep anguish. Then all at once she was reminded of her own struggles in childbirth. She understood them as the struggles of her child, striving to be born. And she suddenly she saw her father’s final moments not as dying, but as birth.

    Yesterday in Ukraine, in the mist of the shattered destruction of cities, bodies, lives,
    there came an expected moment captured by a cameraman focusing on the rubble all around him. A small group of rescuers was digging eagerly in the dust. A sound was heard, and they dug faster. And out of that heap of ruins one rescuer lifted…a puppy. Tenderly he held it to his chest, and caressed its trembling body till it nestled against him.
    The cameraman said quietly, “Out of destruction, a sign of hope.”

    Isn’t our entire universe an expression of the truth of creation out of destruction? Stars explode or die slowly, and out of their stardust, new stars are born. That foundation of reality is repeated endlessly in our individual lives as we struggle to be reborn, renewed, rebuilt from the pains of our losses, failures, doubts.

    In Mammallapuram there is an aged temple, the Shore Temple, built close to the sea. In the midst of its rubbled stones lies the sculpted form of Vishnu. lying calmly in deep sleep. He appears to be lifeless, passive, a remnant of his past creations. Yet paradoxically, these are his moments of greatest creation. In the midst of his sleep lies the genesis of a new universe, ready to be born.'

  4. Constructive destruction for me is associated wt shiva. He is d destroyer ....destroying to mk way for the new...for brahma to create d new

    1. This is so perfect - exactly what I had in mind


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