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Sunday, December 1, 2024

The Standalone Room

For some time there's been excitement mounting inside my head over the mega-room or is it the meta-room code-named The Hub and the rooms enfolded within. And the promised opening. 

But life has come up other plans.  Because a voice in my head said I need to open one room that's ready, save for a few finishing touches, and invite people to explore. Maybe the visitors will put those touches?

A troubled post I saw on my Facebook timeline yesterday alerted me to the need for me to be of service rightaway and activated this move. And in the course of a morning I rearranged the furniture, put a few things away while taking some other out for display and put up a welcome sign. All in a blog post that said "The Spirit Is The Same" and ...    SpiritSpiral Healing has reopened services in a renewed and refurbished avatar as The Healing Hub.

While work on the rest of The Hub carries on with excitement or otherwise, so will these services. 


I don't know if you're curious as yet about The Hub but let me tell you that I too am curious. Strange as that may sound! Yes, I am curious about something that I am creating and introducing to the good folks all around! Stay with me while it unfolds and surprises even me. Just as this one did. 

What I do know for now is that The Hub is a superspace and encloses a few subspaces which are all interconnected at some level. 

For the time being I will use this rather mystifying image (yes I am the creator) to represent this work in progress 

So three little words - Watch My Superspace!! 

The Spirit Is The Same ... and ...

 services from SpiritSpiral Healing are offered to you at The Healing Hub*! 

And thus we have risen, like Christmas cake batter, in readiness for a comeback - the spiral that keeps me spinning and throbbing with life alongwith plain old 3D me, not forgetting my creative "toolkit". We are at your service. We had been a little invisible of late, having needed to recoup and gather energies old and new to be of better service. Indeed the spirit is more than willing and (unlike the proverbial "but" and the infamously weak flesh!)  the self that houses it, is at its service  - as well as at yours. 
A little recap here about the concept of healing and our philosophy. Nope - this is not a medical service by any means. Read on ...

I quote from an etymology source - 

'The word “health” comes from the Old English word hælan, which means "to make whole, sound, or well". It is related to the words "whole," "holy," and "hale". The word "health" is thought to have originated from the Proto-Indo-European root khailaz, which also means "to make whole"'

Hale and Hearty? YES! Maybe at times a medicine (as in drug or perhaps a procedure) could step in to intervene, that's about it. Health is about our sense of wholeness. 

As for hearty - click on the link and take a look. Tells you a lot about the state of your emotions, about you being in good spirits doesn't it?

Read on - 

"Healing is a continuum and a natural state in all beings as part of a universal rhythm. Sustaining this by tapping into and channeling the creative processes within us, that mirror the ones in the universe, is at the heart and soul of every offering here."  - does it give you an idea of what to expect from a session with us (yes with your 3D priestess-guide-mentor, my spiral and my toolkit)

In case you think this is all about having a jolly good time and banishing distress with a snap of the fingers, may I draw your attention to the concept "Never Not Healing". This is about recognizing, tuning into and respecting distress. Sometimes we need to break down and even as we break, the energies of restoration and renewal can be activated (indeed they mostly auto-activate, even when we do not realize it).  This is about tapping into all those resources within and without, that can set this in motion and sustain it. 

The spirit is the same - so what's different? 
A change in format where there are just two offerings for now

 "Unload" (where you do all the talking and I am a listener-understander) with all details in upcoming post dedicated to this.  


"Freewheeling" where we interact and I shine the light (indeed inspire you or lead  you to find your own) so you can better find your path and navigate it. These sessions are one-on-one and facilitated by me.  For those of you familiar (especially via channel videos) with the list of workshops from last year, these are being revamped to be more sleek and easier to implement, so hold on. 

A little about myself:  

I am not a doctor/psychologist/therapist. I am aligned with the ancient Wise Woman archetype and I tap into my inner Chiron. I have learnt from the school of life and I share these learnings with those who are drawn towards them. I believe in the power of the word to wound/heal and my favorite resource/tool to work with is the word. A detailed account about myself and my work and the history of how this service came to be, will be available in an upcoming post, pending which you can read this post which I have evolved beyond while remaining true to the core. As a spirit of freewheeling**(with gentle steering rather than structure) is the underlying energy that permeates each session I decided to name the interactive sessions "Freewheeling". 

The Energy Exchange

What is my role?  And what is yours in this process? Here's a recap from what I wrote here in 2022. It stays pretty much the same. Feel free to ask questions and maybe add points of your own about what you might like to have from me. Read on ...

What you can look forward to over time:

I write below about all that is possible over a few sessions. Even in a single session I would hope for you to feel one or more of these in some measure :

A space that I hold for you into which you can freely flow and therein find - 

·       gentle shifting of thinking blocks

·       subtle changes in the way energy flows through you

·       trails towards the confidence to embrace your uniqueness and original thinking

·        opening of pathways to channel your passion (it could be anger, rage, intense love,  yearning or                 anything else) into creative activity

·       transforming of fear from foe to friend

·        keys to accessing a wide and deep pool of energy and·of creative resources.

What I look forward to:


·       your trust in me
·       your curiosity
·       your desire to question
·       your patience
·       a desire to sift
·       a yearning to understand nuance

  ... and it goes without saying

·        money I receive from you with grace, which will transform into provision for my living needs.

That's it for now. Here's to the journey of  creating your own cake. With a little gentle guidance.


                                        Yes, this cake was made from scratch by me 

May the batter be enriched by our interactions and your cake rise and be enriching. 

Love and Peace from yours truly, Chakra Incognita aka Mayalakshmi Rao. 

Disclaimer 1: SpiritSpiral Healing's Healing Hub is a service that guides and educates you to a better frame of mind and a creatively fulfilling life. I alone run this and I am not a doctor/psychologist/therapist. I am aligned with the ancient Wise Woman archetype and I tap into my inner Chiron. I have learnt from the school of life and I share these learnings with those who are drawn towards them. 

Disclaimer 2: I do not use esoteric (now very widely recognized and utilized) methods in my interactions with you. I can help you find resources to learn about these (I know quite a bit about some of them and respect a few of their practitioners) if you are curious but deploying these will be your solo trip at your own risk. 

*There are other facets to SpiritSpiral Healing including the channel shows and more which will unfold over time, hence the distinction.*

**A few words about freewheeling: 
While lying around daydreaming, the word "freewheeling" started playing in my mind. I decided to delve a little and while I discovered so many definitions that were about being irresponsible, I finally found what must have sent the word gently spiraling through my mind's freeway in the first place.

Read this:

"Willing to experiment and take risks by going beyond the usual rules or accepted ways of doing things" - I definitely tend to have that spirit myself. Ironically that’s the spirit that the ambience of the times has tried hard to suppress, leading to numerous mental health troubles.

Best of all are these words:
"Freewheeling means the wilder the idea, the better. It is always easier to tame an idea than to make one more exciting".  Now you can see why I chose this name **

Note: The Healing Hub is open effective the time you read this and will be accessible also through The Hub, as and when that opens its doors. You can email for specific information and to avail of sessions. Charges and payment details will be shared with you via email. I will not respond to mails that are not relevant to these services. 

PS - I will leave  you with my favorite words from Leonard Cohen. Tune into them as you despair of your broken or flawed self. Tune into them as you come forward to partake of my imperfect offering to you. 
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in

Saturday, November 23, 2024

The Healing Hub ... And ... The Healing Hub

Intrigued, you ask are there two of them? 

Didn't you just refer to the services from The Healing Hub in your  channel video on Men's Day?  Indeed I did. 

Let me explain the phenomenon of the Hub-twins, each other's alter-egos :) 

Take a look at the wishes and hopes I expressed a year ago as I shared my vision for #67

From 19-11-23:

"Today a new baby is conceived and announced - Project Hearthfire's Healing Hub. It will take a village, indeed a city to bring it into the world. Details coming soon!

Happy Birthday to me and Happy Birth to this little wonder that I pray will grow into a beautiful and powerful place and space of nurture."

Kim Raike's Globe that lights the way for the ancestors  to visit her home/hearthfire

Take a look at this picture. There are two beings with arms uplifted, twinning in their nurture of a flame within. In essence, the Hearthfire is a heart fire, the inner shakti that is the life force of any venture. It blazes regardless of whether it can establish itself in a physical space or not. And what I write below will put you in the picture of what's going on with the re-creation of that physical space that I have long inhabited, and my re-birthing within it.

In the year (#67)that sandwiched itself between these two milestone achievements, challenges presented themselves to me in a whole new manner that led me to uncover my wounds and sit with them in fullness, with concentration. There were so many intersecting planes and so many layers one could uncover.There was no conscious uncovering though. But I discovered the need for patience, the need to trust that everything was happening as it was meant to. That as I tried to move along one road,trying in vain to heave obstacles out of my way, those very obstacles were drawing my gaze inward to look at an almost subterranean pathway overgrown with weeds that needed my attention. A rather dank, lonely one on which I felt myself getting lost, feeling hopeless, many times. It is as I dug my way along this path that I found myself emerging into the light on 19-11-24. It is along this arduous journey that I re-discovered Chiron in a way that I could identify myself and my role with. 

The Healing Hub which is the newly re-minted* service from SSH, is pretty much the same as the one fondly conceived and envisaged, except that it operates in the virtual mode in a minimalist avatar. It finds its physical counterpart in The Healing Hub of  Project Heartfire. 

SpiritSpiral Healing always offered these virtual services didn't it, you ask? Indeed, yes. So what's new? Well, I needed this break to understand my uniqueness, my own identity as I related to those for whom I was holding space. And I did. So I return to you all from a different place in my own journey from which I am better able to help you. I have evolved. So would you have. So we meet again and keep traveling together. 

Speaking of which may I remind you of this? Those of you familiar with Chakratirtha from which I take my name Chakra Incognita will recognize these lines. 

"Journeys are very often not a linear progression from one point to another. The traveller takes circuitous routes; make detours; pauses to absorb and reflect. Some wind and spiral their way by unexpected means to the destination of their dreams. This is what our Chakratirtha represents. Those curves and pauses, the acts of circling and recircling before landing are meaningful. The internet just made the process so much easier and we use it as a ford to guide you across."

So here's to The Healing Hub (#68)... and ... The Healing Hub (#67) 

The latter, with time and focus, will be launched.And the former will be a vital and valuable part of it that will continue for as long as I continue. The same fire informs and energizes both. Long may it burn and light the way. The flame pictured below is from my altar. I often light my altar lamp from the hearthfire on which I keep the pot boiling. Nourishing the body generates the energy that nourishes the spirit.

And I'll leave you with a word "re-kindle" to ponder and reflect upon. 

*re-minted* - anybody remember WordWise? You'll observe the "mint" part of this word. I could have used a different suffix to "re". Food for thought!