Intrigued, you ask are there two of them?
Didn't you just refer to the services from The Healing Hub in your channel video on Men's Day? Indeed I did.
Let me explain the phenomenon of the Hub-twins, each other's alter-egos :)
Take a look at the wishes and hopes I expressed a year ago as I shared my vision for #67
From 19-11-23:
"Today a new baby is conceived and announced - Project Hearthfire's Healing Hub. It will take a village, indeed a city to bring it into the world. Details coming soon!
Happy Birthday to me and Happy Birth to this little wonder that I pray will grow into a beautiful and powerful place and space of nurture."

Kim Raike's Globe that lights the way for the ancestors to visit her home/hearthfire
Take a look at this picture. There are two beings with arms uplifted, twinning in their nurture of a flame within. In essence, the Hearthfire is a heart fire, the inner shakti that is the life force of any venture. It blazes regardless of whether it can establish itself in a physical space or not. And what I write below will put you in the picture of what's going on with the re-creation of that physical space that I have long inhabited, and my re-birthing within it.
In the year (#67)that sandwiched itself between these two milestone achievements, challenges presented themselves to me in a whole new manner that led me to uncover my wounds and sit with them in fullness, with concentration. There were so many intersecting planes and so many layers one could uncover.There was no conscious uncovering though. But I discovered the need for patience, the need to trust that everything was happening as it was meant to. That as I tried to move along one road,trying in vain to heave obstacles out of my way, those very obstacles were drawing my gaze inward to look at an almost subterranean pathway overgrown with weeds that needed my attention. A rather dank, lonely one on which I felt myself getting lost, feeling hopeless, many times. It is as I dug my way along this path that I found myself emerging into the light on 19-11-24. It is along this arduous journey that I re-discovered Chiron in a way that I could identify myself and my role with.
The Healing Hub which is the newly re-minted* service from SSH, is pretty much the same as the one fondly conceived and envisaged, except that it operates in the virtual mode in a minimalist avatar. It finds its physical counterpart in The Healing Hub of Project Heartfire.
SpiritSpiral Healing always offered these virtual services didn't it, you ask? Indeed, yes. So what's new? Well, I needed this break to understand my uniqueness, my own identity as I related to those for whom I was holding space. And I did. So I return to you all from a different place in my own journey from which I am better able to help you. I have evolved. So would you have. So we meet again and keep traveling together.
Speaking of which may I remind you of this? Those of you familiar with Chakratirtha from which I take my name Chakra Incognita will recognize these lines.
"Journeys are very often not a linear progression from one point to another. The traveller takes circuitous routes; make detours; pauses to absorb and reflect. Some wind and spiral their way by unexpected means to the destination of their dreams. This is what our Chakratirtha represents. Those curves and pauses, the acts of circling and recircling before landing are meaningful. The internet just made the process so much easier and we use it as a ford to guide you across."
So here's to The Healing Hub (#68)... and ... The Healing Hub (#67)
The latter, with time and focus, will be launched.And the former will be a vital and valuable part of it that will continue for as long as I continue. The same fire informs and energizes both. Long may it burn and light the way. The flame pictured below is from my altar. I often light my altar lamp from the hearthfire on which I keep the pot boiling. Nourishing the body generates the energy that nourishes the spirit.
And I'll leave you with a word "re-kindle" to ponder and reflect upon.
*re-minted* - anybody remember WordWise? You'll observe the "mint" part of this word. I could have used a different suffix to "re". Food for thought!