For some time there's been excitement mounting inside my head over the mega-room or is it the meta-room code-named The Hub and the rooms enfolded within. And the promised opening.
But life has come up other plans. Because a voice in my head said I need to open one room that's ready, save for a few finishing touches, and invite people to explore. Maybe the visitors will put those touches?
A troubled post I saw on my Facebook timeline yesterday alerted me to the need for me to be of service rightaway and activated this move. And in the course of a morning I rearranged the furniture, put a few things away while taking some other out for display and put up a welcome sign. All in a blog post that said "The Spirit Is The Same" and ... SpiritSpiral Healing has reopened services in a renewed and refurbished avatar as The Healing Hub.
While work on the rest of The Hub carries on with excitement or otherwise, so will these services.
I don't know if you're curious as yet about The Hub but let me tell you that I too am curious. Strange as that may sound! Yes, I am curious about something that I am creating and introducing to the good folks all around! Stay with me while it unfolds and surprises even me. Just as this one did.
What I do know for now is that The Hub is a superspace and encloses a few subspaces which are all interconnected at some level.
For the time being I will use this rather mystifying image (yes I am the creator) to represent this work in progress
So three little words - Watch My Superspace!!